[Buildd-tools-devel] Yahoo! Groups: You're invited! Join WORLD-SCIENCE-newsletter today.

WORLD-SCIENCE-newsletter moderator WORLD-SCIENCE-newsletter-owner at yahoogroups.com
Mon Dec 3 06:33:00 UTC 2007

science at email-news.org has invited you to join WORLD-SCIENCE-newsletter 
[http://groups.yahoo.com/group/WORLD-SCIENCE-newsletter/] on Yahoo! Groups,
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A personal invitation from science at email-news.org:


We'd like to offer you a free subscription to a new email newsletter that contains some of the world's most exciting science news and photos -- often long before they're in the papers. The WORLD SCIENCE newsletter comes out approximately every 3-10 days and presents the top science news in an understandable way. People of all backgrounds, from Nobel Prize-winning scientists to students, subscribe to World Science.

A few stories that appeared first in World Science the past few months:

* Monkeys found to "baby talk" young
* For first time, planet outside our Solar System judged possibly habitable
* Human evolution speeding up drastically, researchers say
* Genes may help predict infidelity, study finds

The subscription will be free for as long as you desire it. Canceling the subscription will also be easy at any time. Your email will not be shared with or sold to anyone.

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science at email-news.org
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Best wishes,
World Science News
P.0. Box 61
New York City, NY 10028

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