[Buildd-tools-devel] sbuild/buildd and local wanna-build db

Florian Lohoff florian.lohoff at iwho.telefonica.de
Wed Dec 5 11:39:39 UTC 2007

i had a spare mips machine just producing hot air and i was trying to
get it running after the experimental kernels - So i made a pseudo
distribution kernel-trunk and let wanna-build/quinn-diff run against

 deb-src http://kernel-archive.buildserver.net/debian-kernel trunk main

That one works so far - Now i am trying to get sbuild and buildd run
together nicely. sbuild from sid (0.56) and buildd from svn (please kill
the svn ASAP and update pointers from http://www.debian.org/devel/buildd/
or make a real package with real bugtracking from it)

A problem i now discovered is that buildd runs sbuild with
"--auto-give-back". As i dont have a remote wanna-build its basically
an empty argument which lets sbuild just return as the package is parsed
as the wanna-build ssh command.

  99                        "auto-give-back=s" => sub {
 100                                $main::auto_giveback = 1;
 101                                if ($_[1]) {
 102                                        my @parts = split( '@', $_[1] );
 103                                        $main::auto_giveback_socket =
 104                                                $parts[$#parts-3] if @parts > 3;
 105                                        $main::auto_giveback_wb_user =
 106                                                $parts[$#parts-2] if @parts > 2;
 107                                        $main::auto_giveback_user =
 108                                                $parts[$#parts-1] if @parts > 1;
 109                                        $main::auto_giveback_host =
 110                                                $parts[$#parts];
 111                                }
 112                        },

 470         my $sbuild_gb = '--auto-give-back';
 471         if ($conf::sshcmd) {
 472                 $sbuild_gb .= "=";
 473                 $sbuild_gb .= "$conf::sshsocket\@" if $conf::sshsocket;
 474                 $sbuild_gb .= "$conf::wanna_build_user\@" if $conf::wanna_build_user;
 475                 $sbuild_gb .= "$main::sshuser\@" if $main::sshuser;
 476                 $sbuild_gb .= "$main::sshhost";
 477         }
 478         push ( @sbuild_args, $sbuild_gb );
 479         push ( @sbuild_args, "--database=$conf::wanna_build_dbbase" )
 480                 if $conf::wanna_build_dbbase;

The command line buildd executes is:

/usr/bin/sbuild --batch --dist=kernel-trunk --auto-give-back linux-2.6_2.6.24~rc3-1~experimental.1~snapshot.9858

which obviously breaks with the current sbuild (the one from svn survives this).

GetOpt::Long interprets the package name/version as an option to --auto-give-back whereas the old sbuild
used some "intelligent" reqexp to whether there is an equal sign ...

Not that the sbuild would have any code to handle local wanna-builds in the later auto_giveback.

Florian.Lohoff at iwho.telefonica.de			  +49-5246-80-1185
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