[Buildd-tools-devel] Recent changes

Roger Leigh rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org
Thu Dec 20 00:05:55 UTC 2007

Hi folks,

Upstream seems to be no longer making wanna-build changes public (the
wanna-build/buildd/sbuild in use on buildds is not committed into SVN,
and is only available to buildd admins).  This can be seen by the
version number in recent build logs "99.99" which is not a valid SVN
revision number.


The last available SVN revision is 98, for example:

This is going to make keeping up to date rather more difficult--the
changes aren't in SVN to check out, and only a select few have access
to the sources, which doesn't include me.

I have started making a few changes to make sbuild more maintainable,
as well as aiming to package up wanna-build/buildd properly.  So far,
I have re-indented the sbuild source, which does significantly improve
readability due to all of the long lines.  I'll do the modules and
other scripts later on.

The next major change I'd like to make is to reorganise most of the
code in sbuild into a perl module such that buildd can use it
directly.  Currently, sbuild contains code that really belongs in
buildd, and vice-versa.  By modularising it all, this can be cleaned
up and reused in both programs where appropriate.  This won't involve
any significant code changes--it's just cutting and pasting functions
into new module source files.

Any comments?


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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