[Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#456934: Bug#456934: sbuild: Wrong handling of or'ed build-dependencies

Jan-Marek Glogowski glogow at fbihome.de
Wed Dec 19 06:54:53 UTC 2007

Hash: SHA1


> Thanks.  I have altered the patch slightly to remove some of the
> redundancy in the checks.  Is this OK?

Should be ok.

> Could you possibly explain what malformed syntax results in triggering
> these checks?

It just happend to me, that I changed the directory, and ran a sbuild
command from the history, or used just a package name instead of a
'package_version' - this resulted in undefined $version variable which
made Perl spit a lot of warnings because of undefined concated strings and
obviously made the build fail. This simply catches the wrong supplied
packages argument much earlier.

> Regarding the main fix, I can't replicate this with a stock etch
> install.  Did you have any updated backports installed as well, such
> as bzr?

I have also compiled bzr, otherwise the build fails because of the missing
bzr versioned dependency:

Build-Depends-Indep: python-subversion, bzr (>= 1.0~), python (>= 2.5) | python-pysqlite2
Build-Depends: python-central (>= 0.5), cdbs (>= 0.4.43), python, debhelper (>=

Otherwise all dependencies are from etch.

> BTW, the SVN is out of date.  We are now using git for all future
> development:
>   git clone git://git.debian.org/git/buildd-tools/sbuild.git

Thanks for this info. I will update my packages from this git repo and
check, if bzr-svn still fails. This code in sbuild is still the same, as
in the SVN repo, so I guess it'll also fail. I'll report back after I have
updated my packages.


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