[Buildd-tools-devel] Bug#456934: Bug#456934: Add option to select the build dependency check algorithm

Roger Leigh rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org
Sat Dec 22 16:40:50 UTC 2007

Jan-Marek Glogowski <glogow at fbihome.de> writes:

> On Wed, 19 Dec 2007, Roger Leigh wrote:
>> Michael Banck <mbanck at debian.org> writes:
>> > On Wed, Dec 19, 2007 at 08:10:37AM +0100, Jan-Marek Glogowski wrote:
>> >> > Isn't it usual sbuild behaviour to only try the first package of a set
>> >> > of alternatives?
>> >>
>> >> Currently yes, but I consider this a bug. The patched code already runs
>> >> in a loop to check for all alternatives, but it currently fails, if it
>> >> can't satisfy a versioned dependency.
>> >
>> > Maybe this is a divergence of the sbuild package from upstream sbuild
>> > then.  Fact is that the buildds will show this behaviour, so I am not
>> > sure changing it in the sbuild package is the best solution.
> ...
>> However, I wouldn't be opposed to adding a command-line and/or
>> configuration option which would allow the user to alter this, so long
>> as it is not the default behaviour.  Adding a variable to
>> Sbuild/Conf.pm is pretty easy, as is a new command-line option.  If
>> you would like to make a patch for that, that would be super.
> Ok - I have attached a new patch to make the dependeny check algorith
> select and configureable. Default is the old behaviour, but it can be
> changed to check for alternatives via sbuild argument (-C) or by changing
> check_depends_algorithm in the SBUILD BEHAVIOUR config group.
> Tested with the bzr-svn package, which still fails with default, but
> finishes with the alternatives algorithm.

Many thanks for the patch.  I have committed this with a few minor

- I changed "first_only" to "first-only".
- Some of the missing $/@/% symbols you added to the config files were
  incorrect (type did not match the export e.g. @ instead of %).
- I removed the "-C" option to just leave
- "--check-depends-algorithm".  I don't think that an option most
  users will never use really needs a single letter abbreviation.  If
  you use it regularly, a shell alias or wrapper script can take care
  of the extra typing.

I hope this is OK.  The committed changes are now in the main repo, so
you can pull them.  If there's anything you want changing or adding,
just let me know.


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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