[Buildd-tools-devel] sbuild 0.54

Roger Leigh rleigh at whinlatter.ukfsn.org
Sun May 27 17:50:06 UTC 2007

Martin Koeppe <mkoeppe at gmx.de> writes:

> I just read the changelog for sbuild 0.54 and was affrighted to see
> that sudo support has been removed! I'm porting Debian to a new
> architecture (interix) with the help of sbuild and currently don't
> have schroot available for various reasons.

It should build on Interix just fine.  The only issue would be
building the dependencies (PAM and Boost) first.  Boost should just
build with GCC.  I'm not sure about PAM.

It is possible to add sudo support back in, if schroot proves less
portable than it should, but I would rather fix portability issues in
schroot if at all possible.  Removing the sudo support made sbuild
much less of a security risk than it was previously.  schroot will
also let us do more interesting things in the future.

If it's at all helpful, I've packaged the latest PAM, at
which might be a better starting point for Interix (and Hurd/kfreebsd)
than the current unstable version.  It does need some bugs working out
before it will be usable, however.  There is an annoying regression
which needs identifying.

> So I used the sudo configuration. Indeed I don't need a real sudo (I
> run sbuild as root anyway and use $sudo = "/bin/sh -c"), but I need
> the possibility to run apt-get from outside the chroot. Also the su
> call to check the needed space wouldn't be needed in my case as I am
> root already. (I removed the "su" for my use and call du directly.)

OK.  Out of interest, why do you need to run apt-get outside the

One of the advantages of moving to using schroot was that everything
can be done inside.  This removes a number of complications when using
the host apt-get get and apt-cache.

> Another wishlist item: purging the build directory should be doable 
> not only after the build, but also right before the build. I sometimes 
> like to look at the build dir afterwards, so I configured to "never" 
> purge. But when building a new version, one needs to remember to purge 
> the old build manually first.

This makes a lot of sense.  Should it be configurable, though, or
should we always purge when starting a new build?


  .''`.  Roger Leigh
 : :' :  Debian GNU/Linux             http://people.debian.org/~rleigh/
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