[Buildd-tools-devel] schroot unionfs support

Jan-Marek Glogowski glogow at fbihome.de
Tue Mar 24 14:33:50 UTC 2009

On Sat, 21 Mar 2009, Roger Leigh wrote:

> I have applied both sets of changes to the fs-union branch of
>   git://git.debian.org/users/rleigh/schroot.git

Fails for me with

warning: remote HEAD refers to nonexistent ref, unable to checkout.

> However, I can't merge these two huge changes into the master
> branch without splitting them up into their constituent small
> changes so that they can be applied incrementally as well as
> being throughly reviewed.

I've found some time this weekend and almost finished splitting up my
patch into reviewable chunks. I have a longer railway trip tomorrow, so
I hope to finish it in the train.

BTW - is there an easy way to change a patch in the local git history?
I want to move a patch chunk from one to an other.

I did it once with a branch, reset HEAD~1 and then cherry picking all
other patches, but I thought there might be something faster.

I'll probably send my stuff tomorrow. Is it ok to send it via git email to
this list?


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