[buildd-tools-devel] Bug#568187: Bug#568187: schroot -i segfaults on leftovers in /var/lib/schroot/session/

Marc Bantle debian at rcie.de
Wed Feb 3 23:46:57 UTC 2010

Roger Leigh schrieb:
> Could you possibly let me know what file was in
> /var/lib/schroot/session/, and if you have it, the contents?
Find file attached (
> Can you reproduce the problem again?  
Yes, every time when the given file is in /var/lib/schroot/session/
> If so, could you take me through
> the steps to cause a file to be left in the session directory.  
Unfortunately not, that happend accidentally. I didn't
set the 'type' parameter on previous configurations. Maybe
that caused it.
> A
> file in there on its own shouldn't cause problems, and certainly not
> a segfaulty.  
Agreed, but it does :-(
> Additionally, could you run schroot with the additional
> options '-v --debug=notice' which should help track down where the
> fault is.
Thanks for the clue. Here's the relevant part of the output:

D(1): Loading config directory: /var/lib/schroot/session
D(1): Loading data file:
D(2): Getting keyfile
group=lenny-2-a5a6a433-81b4-4b71-9c2e-51334dd3aa9e, key=type
D(1): value=plain
Speicherzugriffsfehler (=segfault)

Looks like the missing "type" parameter matters.
> If you have time, you could also install schroot-dbg and run schroot
> (as root) in gdb.  Just run 'gdb /usr/bin/schroot' and then
> 'run -i -c A' and when it segfaults, type 'backtrace' to get a
> detailed trace of where the fault occured.
A backtrace is attached.

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