[buildd-tools-devel] buildd fails to start

peter green plugwash at p10link.net
Sat May 18 02:15:52 UTC 2013

peter green wrote:
> Error reading configuration: Can't use an undefined value as a HASH 
> reference at /usr/share/perl5/Sbuild/ConfBase.pm line 83.
Update, just had a long discussion with paultag on irc and after a lot 
of messing arround buildd seems to be building stuff (at least if the 
processes I see in top are anything to go by). I still have a couple of 
issues though.

Firstly buildd-vlog doesn't seem to be working properly, it just seems 
to display a package name repeatedly rather than displaying the end of 
the log for the build that is in progress.

Secondly I can't seem to figure out a good way to enable paralell 
builds? Can anyone suggest the best way?

<plugwash> paultag, any ideas on 
"buildd-tools-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org" when trying to start a buildd?
* paultag boggles
<paultag> plugwash: Hummm.
<paultag> Not sure; let me read your mail
<paultag> still the same problem?
<paultag> plugwash: I do seem to recall I have ssh; do you need 
something out of the config?
<plugwash> oops sorry, I posted the email address when I meant to post 
an error message
<plugwash> currently i'm getting Error reading configuration: Can't use 
an undefined value as a HASH reference at 
/usr/share/perl5/Sbuild/ConfBase.pm line 83.
<paultag> Oh snap
<paultag> I seem to remember that one
<paultag> moment
<---snip a load of unrelated stuff-->
<paultag> plugwash: I can't find this one for the life of me
<paultag> I know I've seen that hash error, and I could have sworn Alex 
patched that
<plugwash> Wanna-build seems ok, a mixture of installed, 
bd-uninstallable and needs-build as expected :) 
now I just need to get the buildd going :(
<plugwash> there was a patch to buildd on the wiki which didn't seem 
related and which I haven't applied yet, lemme try that
<paultag> grumble grumble
<paultag> Ahh
<paultag> this whole thing is a *mess*
<plugwash> yeah, you can say that again
<paultag> I've been working on my own buildd-alike since buildd is such 
a major PITA
<paultag> nothing big and fancy
<paultag> and it's not working :>
<geofft> paultag: have you perchance looked at the Debathena build scripts?
<paultag> geofft: no[t yet?]
<geofft> I wouldn't recommend them for anyone, but.
<paultag> geofft: I've noticed a few "interesting" changes to schroot's 
<paultag> and I've heard word of a few; and saw some crazy shit today
<paultag> (was at CSAIL for the debathena meeting)
<plugwash> I have good news and bad news, the good news is that with the 
patch I no longer get that error
<plugwash> the bad news is I now get
<plugwash> distribution list is empty, aborting. at 
/usr/share/perl5/Buildd/Daemon.pm line 95.
<plugwash> May 18 00:55:02 buildd-uploader[30650]: Nothing to do for upload
<plugwash> May 18 00:55:02 buildd-uploader[30650]: Nothing to do for 
<plugwash> distribution list is empty, aborting. at 
/usr/share/perl5/Buildd/Daemon.pm line 95.
<paultag> wooo!!
<paultag> That's good!
<paultag> One sec, let me get you that
<paultag> plugwash: http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=622102
<paultag> plugwash: our student also has a patch for it; sec
<paultag> http://paste.debian.net/4896/
<paultag> (yess we told him about diff -u after)
<plugwash> do you know what it's changing the default for?
<plugwash> (e.g. if I can just fix it in the config file then i'd 
preffer that to patching the program files)
<paultag> plugwash: it became a list; IIRC the '' was misleading
<plugwash> yes but *what* became a list
<paultag> yeah, I agree, I don't know, I ignored it since I didn't know 
about internals
<paultag> and it looked like the bug was the issue and the wb-team knew 
about it
<plugwash> the first part of that patch already seemed to be in place, I 
just made the change from the second part
<plugwash> the "nothing to do for upload" lines have disappeared but the 
"distribution list is empty" bit is still there :(
<plugwash> and buildd is still not starting :(
<--snip further stuff-->
<plugwash> any further ideas?
<paultag> I'm not exactly sure, it's been a year since I was up on this 
stuff :(
<paultag> I can read backscroll / emails a bit more later tonight; just 
need to wrap some stuff up
<plugwash> ok I reread that bug report you linked and noticed that he 
was reccomending different "punctuation" in the config file
<plugwash> unfortunately I now get a new error
<plugwash> Use of uninitialized value $_[4] in list assignment at 
/usr/share/perl5/Buildd/DistConf.pm line 46.
<plugwash> Odd number of elements in hash assignment at 
/usr/share/perl5/Buildd/DistConf.pm line 46.
<plugwash> Error reading configuration: Can't use string 
("WANNA_BUILD_DB_USER") as a HASH ref while "strict refs" in use at 
/usr/share/perl5/Buildd/DistConf.pm line 141.
<plugwash> ok it seems that patch you posted did harm not good
<plugwash> reverted it and things work
<plugwash> ok good news and bad news
<plugwash> the good news is that the buildd seems to be doing something 
according to top
<plugwash> the bad news is that buildd-vlog isn't working properly.

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