[cut-team] Installer Issue

Richard Ratzer richard.ratzer at googlemail.com
Mon Dec 12 22:31:40 UTC 2011

Hello cut-team,

first respect to your work, I'm a fan of your project.

This weekend I had an installer issue with my pretty new toy (Processor=AMD
FX-6100, Board=ASUS M5A88-M, Video=Onboard or Radeon HD6850).
I could configure the install options, then booting was OK, but with the
next step I had always a system freeze.
Directly with the appearence of the next point (choosing the language).
An installation was not possible.
I have tested the same installation CD on an other machine (older AMD
notebook); every thing was fine.
Next try was the actual debian-testing-amd64-businesscard.iso in expert
mode, and: No freeze, the issue didn't appear ;-)
so I hope with your next release this issue is gone.

If you want want more details, infos or tests give a reply.
Note: During the week I'm not available, but on weekends!

... but with the testing-amd64-businesscard installation I had an other
I think something broken around mythes-de. I guess #651429, Sid & Testing!
With a trick I could complete the installation, but this took plenty of

And here we are!
So far I had never broken dependencies, postinstallation issues or whatever
uggly stuff with your CUT project,
whether in installations or dist-upgrades.
And I can't blame you for that I always buy newest hardware.

Best whishes for your project and make it official DEBIAN.

Cheers Richard
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