[cut-team] Daily wheezy snapshot installation media now available

Michael Gilbert michael.s.gilbert at gmail.com
Tue Feb 8 12:00:36 UTC 2011


I'm now running a cronjob to create daily wheezy snapshot installation
media.  The the media will be available at [0], and snapshots for the
last couple days are already up there.  Note that this is highly
automated, I've only spot checked one of the images to make sure it
fully succeeds through an installation.

This really isn't a user-oriented solution, so at some point there will
need to be a discussion on selection criteria to determine which media
should be available for general consumption.  My thought was to
simply use the first image from the month (after a couple days of
testing to make sure its in pretty good shape), but I'm of course open
to other perspectives.

Best wishes,

[0] http://alioth.debian.org/~gilbert-guest/constantly-usable-testing/

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