[D-community-discuss] NewbieDOC documentation project

Holger Levsen debian at layer-acht.org
Sat Feb 24 15:24:46 CET 2007

Hi Chris,

On Friday 23 February 2007 10:53, Chris Lale wrote:
> Only the oldest documents at SourceForge have translations. There are no
> translators left in the project.

Ok, I see you need some help :)

> > How
> > up to date is it?
> It varies. If an article arises out of a post in the debian-user list,
> it is sometimes finished before the thread is. Some articles are old.


> > How many people work on it?
> I am the only developer left in the project and writing articles in the
> stable format (wikitext but based on DocBook). Other people (registered
> and anonymous) contribute free-form articles too. It is difficult to
> find new developers. Perhaps there are people interested in
> debian-community who might like to get involved?

Jup. I'll have a more concrete look at newbiedoc after FOSDEM, but from what 
you wrote, it surely looks like the project to join rather than recreate the 
same from scratch.

> > Is it completly wiki-based?
> People stopped writing SGML DocBook articles, so the project moved to
> MediaWiki which has been more successful. We had to move to BerliOS
> because SourceForge's security will not allow the MediaWiki software to
> run. MediaWiki syntax is very easy - in fact, you don't even need any.
> There is a built-in editor too. Anyone can contribute but there are
> advantages to registering. Stable articles are protected from editing,
> but each article is linked to its own discussion page for comments,
> amendments etc. Contributions are accepted under the GFDL without
> restrictions and so conform to the DFSG. A few articles are dual
> licenced GFDL/GPL eg because this makes it possible to include material
> in other documentation projects that are GPL only (eg Debian Reference).

Cool, very cool.

Do you have an idea how to use mediawiki to keep translations in sync? Because 
I believe localisation is _one_ key to make debian-community.org a 
success ;-)

> There is a newbiedoc Debian package, but the developer is doing a PhD so
> newer articles have not been included.

It's maintained by the debian QA team now :-/ But/so I could take it over...

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