[D-community-discuss] NewbieDOC documentation project

Chris Lale chrislale at untrammelled.co.uk
Sun Feb 25 12:06:59 CET 2007

Hello Holger.

Holger Levsen wrote:
> [...]
> Do you have an idea how to use mediawiki to keep translations in sync? Because 
> I believe localisation is _one_ key to make debian-community.org a 
> success ;-)

MediaWiki is the software developed and used by Wikipedia. I know that 
Wikipedia is accessible in multiple languages (see 
http://wikipedia.org/). I do have not have direct experience of doing 
this, but I think it involves running a subwiki or a different namespace 
for each language and using "interlanguage links" (see 
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Multilingual_coordination). As 
with everything else in a wiki, you need a community willing to patrol 
the pages regularly. I find RSS very useful for getting prompt 
notification of new and changed pages, but a mailing list would be 
needed for a larger project.

>> There is a newbiedoc Debian package, but the developer is doing a PhD so
>> newer articles have not been included.
> It's maintained by the debian QA team now :-/ But/so I could take it over...

Ah - I see that you are on the list of DDs! It would certainly be good 
to breathe some new life into NewbieDOC. It does not function fully 
without an active community or an up to date package. Do you see 
d-community as a way of bringing together these sorts of projects in a 
bundle or as a single integrated project?

I have another idea for a Debian "starter pack" for libraries etc and to 
give away to friends, at conferences, etc. I have started a new thread 
on this.



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