[D-community-discuss] About Jabber & debian-community.org

Holger Levsen holger at layer-acht.org
Sat Oct 25 17:43:12 UTC 2008

Hi Geoff,

are you subscribed or do you want/need cc:s?

On Saturday 25 October 2008 18:21, Geoffroy Youri B. wrote:
> I'm currently trying to put together community around Jabber and Debian,
> mainly in french and english chat room I maintained for the last year [0]
> (or used to maintain concerning the french muc).


> I never heard before about the debian-community project. Mea culpa, I
> haven't been digging deep enough I guess.

Or we could have made more noise... :)

> What are you planning to do with the jabber server at debian-community.org.

Currently the idea was just to give out jabber accounts to Debian 
contributors.. we/I havent thought about jabber chat rooms, because a.) I 
juse irc and b.) because I use bitlbee for jabber, which doesnt have chat 
room support.

> Any chat room (muc) for users support ? I know irc is way more popular
> among debian users and in computer world but I think jabber is more
> appropriate to provide help and seduce newbies.

For some newbies definitly :) (There are many different kind of peoples and 
therefor different kind of newbies too.)

> May be we could combine our efforts to "bridge the gap" between debian
> projet developers and regular users and get more non-technicians involve in
> the Debian project :)

Sounds great! 

Basically I'm very fine with opening a jabber room for debian community, the 
only thing that makes me a bit uneasy is that I wont be able to use 
and "monitor" it, due my unwillingness to install a different jabber client 
than bitlbee and the lack of support for chat rooms in bitlbee. (And I 
believe that if Debian (community) provides a space for something someone 
should make sure it's a space according to Debians standards...)

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