[D-community-discuss] About Jabber & debian-community.org

Geoffroy Youri B. mxondebian at free.fr
Sat Oct 25 21:00:17 UTC 2008

Holger Levsen wrote :
> are you subscribed or do you want/need cc:s?
I subscribed, no need to cc, thanks :)

>> I never heard before about the debian-community project. Mea culpa, I
>> haven't been digging deep enough I guess.
> Or we could have made more noise... :)
Maybe something to do in the future.
I mean plan a campaign to promote d-c.org

d-c.o is not mentioned on the DebianForNonCoderContributors wiki page [0], is
that something to fix ? There is a section that seems appropriate:
	6. Users and Developers

Likewise on Community[1] page.

> Basically I'm very fine with opening a jabber room for debian community, the 
> only thing that makes me a bit uneasy is that I wont be able to use 
> and "monitor" it, due my unwillingness to install a different jabber client 
> than bitlbee and the lack of support for chat rooms in bitlbee.
Alright I do understand and anyway we would need a team to handle it properly,
at least two or three people to ensure there is a minimum presence in order to
reply/react in case of need (based on my own experience on other chat room).

> (And I 
> believe that if Debian (community) provides a space for something someone 
> should make sure it's a space according to Debians standards...)

I completely agree concerning Debian standards compliance.

What I've been thinking about d-c.o and already existing jabber MUC is that we
could include them on the jabber section to point out chat rooms where people
can find help and a community of debian users (as I already done in wiki.d.o).
It seems to be the appropriate place since you also provide a JabberID @d-c.o
(which is, by the way, something we could add to wiki.d.o/Jabber).

I'm pretty sure both debian-fr at chat.jabberfr.fr and
debian at conference.jabber.org meet the main requirement of d-c "niceness" (I've
been chatting on the first one for quite a long time and I /own/ the second -
my jabber affiliation for that muc). Concerning the others they already
accepted to be mentioned in wiki.d.o but I'm not sure they are purely Debian

That would be a good starting point before setting up conference support on
the server. It may show us the real need for jabber chat room hosted at d-c.o.
For instance I know there is no jabber chat room for spanish users, it might
be hosted at d-c.o if somebody look for it.

But before going any further could you precise to what king of debian user
were you willing to offer a jabber account on d-c.o ? It is written :

	"You should be somehow related to Debian and obey the rule "Be nice.."

which is a bit fuzzy :) Is there a kind of "minimum commitment/participation"
level required ? I do understand the necessity of a minimum involvement to
have a strong an active community.

But for sure having a JID @debian-comunity.org or an email is a great way to
provide people the feeling of a community, especially for people like me not
involve in development process. I do believe this is something badly missing
in Debian project.


[0] http://wiki.debian.org/DebianForNonCoderContributors
[1] http://wiki.debian.org/Community

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