[D-community-offtopic] Joke# 5

Chris Bannister cbannister at slingshot.co.nz
Mon Dec 30 00:05:17 UTC 2013

A man dies and goes to hell. At the entrance of hell, there are two
gates, both guarded by imps. One is labelled 'Capitalist Hell', the
other 'Communist Hell'. The latter has a huge line-up to get in, but
there is no queue for Capitalist Hell.
Confused, the man goes up to the imp guarding the gate to Capitalist
Hell. "Excuse me", the man asks the imp, "could you tell me what
Capitalist Hell is like?"
"Oh, it's terrible! You will be strapped into a rack, you will have
boiling oil poured over you, and stabbed with hundreds of knives, for
"That IS terrible! I'm going to Communist Hell instead!"
So the man enters the queue for Communist Hell. The line is long and it
seems like forever, but finally he reaches the gate to Communist Hell.
"Before I enter," the man asks the imp guard, "could you tell me what
Communist Hell is like?"
"Oh, it's horrible! You will be strapped into a rack, you will have
boiling oil poured over you, and stabbed with hundreds of knives, for
"That IS horrible! But what's the difference between that and Capitalist
"Well..." begins the imp, tentatively. "Sometimes the racks break down
and need to get repaired, sometimes the boiling oil is rationed,
sometimes our shipment of knives gets delayed for weeks..."

"If you're not careful, the newspapers will have you hating the people
who are being oppressed, and loving the people who are doing the 
oppressing." --- Malcolm X

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