Choose your side on the Linux divide

David Guntner david at
Tue Aug 26 21:36:20 UTC 2014

On 8/26/2014 1:52 PM, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Tue, 26 Aug 2014 04:06:19 -0400
> Tom H <tomh0665 at> wrote:
>> On Mon, Aug 25, 2014 at 6:44 PM, Steve Litt
>> <slitt at> wrote:
>> There's a OT list for this BS.
> Hey Tom H,
> When I start posting about my cat, or my car, or who I'll vote for for
> governor, you can give me that "OT list" BS. But how your Linux
> operating system is started, and whether it becomes more modular or more
> entanged, is 100% Linux.

Yea, but you see (well, I suppose that the people like you who continue 
to think this list is for anything you feel like posting about *don't* 
see it), *this* list is for DEBIAN-specific Linux discussions.  It's not 
a general-purpose Linux advocacy list.  That's why we have a DEBIAN 
Off-Topic list - it's for Debian users to talk about things that aren't 
specific to DEBIAN, such as general Linux advocacy and so on.

While systemd is 100% a Linux thing, it's hardly a Debian-specific 
thing.  It's way better suited to the OT list.  Which, you know, is why 
it was created.

I really don't expect this to have any impact on you at all, since 
you're one of those people who can't be bothered to use the Debian 
Off-Topic list and you just want to post what you want to post about 
where you want to post it and the hell with anybody else who disagrees 
with you, but I figured I'd try.

Not that I'm exactly holding my breath here... :/

The whole systemd debate on *debian-user list* is ridiculous anyway, 
IMO.  Some people really like it, and some people really hate it, and it 
rages on and on and on - and ultimately won't make ONE bit of 
difference.  This is a USER list - the bulk of the Debian developers 
(you know, the people who actually put the packages together and decide 
what going to be or not going to be part of the official distribution) 
aren't even ON this list, so they don't see the arguments being made one 
way or another, which means they won't have any impact on whether or not 
Debian goes that way.

(Figuratively speaking here, on the use of "you.")  You want to leave 
Debian for another distribution that still uses initd?  Great, go for 
it, that's always your choice.  You want to post a topic about, "For 
those who don't like systemd, here's a method for installing (or rolling 
your own) the next Debian with initd instead of systemd," that's great, 
too.  Hell, it'd even be on-topic for the debian-user list, because it's 
talking about things directly related to Debian Linux.

But the endless pissing contest about systemd is great/evil is 
pointless, *particularly* on the Debian-USER list.  In the meantime, the 
rest of us on this list who want to read and/or discuss things directly 
related to Debian-specific things are bored with it.  Or annoyed by the 
non-ending nature of the off-topic debate.  Or both. :-)

Yea, yea, yea, killfiles.  We shouldn't *have* to use them to manage the 
content on a list that's supposed to be about a particular topic.  The 
noise-to-signal ratio shouldn't be so high that killfiling is necessary. 
  If we have to, all it is is a statement that there are too many 
inconsiderate people on the list who don't care that they're offtopic.

I've said my peace on the subject for now, and I'm not going to debate 
points with you on the subject.  Hopefully, there will at least be a few 
people who get the point.

Back to mostly-lurking mode for now. :-)


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