[D-m-team] Cleaning Uploaders -- a mistake?

Anthony Towns aj at azure.humbug.org.au
Thu Jan 17 04:44:59 UTC 2008

[-perl dropped]

On Wed, Jan 16, 2008 at 11:25:48PM +0100, Daniel Leidert wrote:
> What about the following: Add another field to the changeset, called
> packages. The filed should be filled with the package, that DM should be
> allowed to upload. DMs should (a) already been listed as (co)-maintainer
> of these packages at PTS or (b) advocates have to agree and explain, why
> a package should be added to the list of packages a DM is allowed to
> upload, even if he is not already listed.

On Thu, Jan 17, 2008 at 11:10:07AM +0930, Paul Wise wrote:
> I was under the impression that the list of packages a DM is allowed
> to upload was meant to be based on what regular DDs (rather than the
> DM team as you seem to propose) have allowed them to upload. 

That's definitely true.

It *might* be worth having a short cut so that instead of having to
become a DM, then get someone to sponsor your next upload so you can
add DM-Upload-Allowed, and only then be able to make your next upload
directly, to have a "Packages:" field in the changeset which serves as
a way of retrospectively adding DM-U-A to the current version of the
package in the archive.

There's still a few DMs who can't actually upload anything who might have
benefited from that:

accepted    uid                                  name

2007-11-27  dm:apeeters at lashout.net              Adriaan Peeters
2007-12-05  dm:russell-gpg at stuart.id.au          Russell Stuart
2007-12-06  dm:charles-debian-nospam at plessy.org  Charles Plessy
2007-12-12  dm:julien at kirya.net                  Julien Valroff
2008-01-07  dm:daniel.leidert at wgdd.de            Daniel Leidert
2008-01-09  dm:Jeffrey.Ratcliffe at gmail.com       Jeffrey Ratcliffe
2008-01-13  dm:hfrenzel at scunc.net                Hendrik Frenzel
2008-01-16  dm:grmontesino at ig.com.br             Gustavo R. Montesino


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