No subject

Sun Feb 15 23:16:50 UTC 2009

ftpmaster or in any other team that is taken for this).

Mark Hymers should be added, as a new FTPMaster.
Jonathan McDowell should be added, as a new Keyring-maint.

When doing this, we will have:

Joey, Anthony   - jetring developers
Christoph       - DAM
James, Jonathan - Keyring-maint
Wouter, Bernd   - FrontDesk
Joerg           - FTPMaster, DAM
Mark            - FTPMaster
Anibal          - Err, for what reason?

Does this sound right? Do all persons listed want to be in? (Assuming at
least the "old" ones read the d-m list, CCed noodles/mark as possibly new).

bye, Joerg
<DarkRider> also dies ist so ziemlich der einzige chanel wo ich meist 0 peile
<DarkRider> ich schreibe etwas dann rennen se alle gegen die wand und schreien aua

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