[Da-tools-commits] ./da-tools/userdir-ldap-cgi-python r8: added TODO file

Robin Wittler real at geek-at-work.org
Tue Jan 13 21:13:30 UTC 2009

revno: 8
committer: Robin Wittler <real at geek-at-work.org>
branch nick: userdir-ldap-cgi-python
timestamp: Tue 2009-01-13 22:13:30 +0100
  added TODO file
  written some functions in lib/ud_ldap_ng.py
  made some changes in templates and controllers
-------------- next part --------------
=== added file 'TODO'
--- a/TODO	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ b/TODO	2009-01-13 21:13:30 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ - Exception Handling
+ - building functions for parsing and formatting [[, * etc. pp.
+ - sort handling
+ - ...

=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/controllers/udldapng.py'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/controllers/udldapng.py	2009-01-11 21:54:40 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/controllers/udldapng.py	2009-01-13 21:13:30 +0000
@@ -8,40 +8,22 @@
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-import re
-from ud_ldap_ng.lib.ud_ldap_ng import connectLDAP, bindLDAP, searchHosts, searchUser
+from ud_ldap_ng.lib.ud_ldap_ng import connectDebianLDAP, getDebianHostsAttributes, getDebianUser
 class UdldapngController(BaseController):
-    def index(self):
-        con = connectLDAP('db.debian.org')
-        bindLDAP(con)
-        results = searchHosts(con)[1:]
-        wanted = ['architecture', 'sponsor', 'purpose', 'status']
-        c.result = dict()
-        for result in results:
-            hostname = result[1].get('hostname', None)
-            if not hostname or type(hostname) != list:
-                continue
-            else:
-                hostname = hostname.pop()
-            c.result.setdefault(hostname, dict())
-            for b in wanted:
-                d = result[1].get(b, None)
-                if not d or type(d) != list:
-                    d = []
-                c.result.get(hostname).setdefault(b, d)
-        return render('/machines.html')
-    def lala(self):
-        con = connectLDAP('db.debian.org')
-        bindLDAP(con)
-        user = request.params['uid']
-        results = searchUser(con, user)
-        return repr(results)
+	def index(self):
+		con = connectDebianLDAP()
+		c.result = getDebianHostsAttributes(con)
+		#c.result = dict()
+		return render('/machines.html')
+	def lala(self):
+		con = connectLDAP('db.debian.org')
+		bindLDAP(con)
+		user = request.params['uid']
+		results = searchUser(con, user)
+		return repr(results)
         #result_set = []
         #result_type, result_data = con.result(results, 0)
         #if result_type == ldap.RES_SEARCH_ENTRY:

=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/lib/ud_ldap_ng.py'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/lib/ud_ldap_ng.py	2009-01-11 21:30:10 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/lib/ud_ldap_ng.py	2009-01-13 21:13:30 +0000
@@ -1,33 +1,169 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
-__version__ = '0.0.1'
+__version__ = '0.0.2'
 __author__ = 'Robin Wittler <real at geek-at-work.org>'
 __license__ = 'GPL3'
 import ldap
-def connectLDAP(host):
-    return ldap.open(host)
-def bindLDAP(con, uid=None, password=None):
-    if not uid:
-        uid = ""
-    if not password:
-        password = ""
-    con.simple_bind_s(uid, password)
-    return True
-def searchHosts(con):
-    dn = "ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org"
-    scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-    return con.search_s(dn, scope)
-def searchUser(con, user):
-    dn = "ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org"
-    scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-    searchFilter = "(uid=%s)" % (user)
-    return con.search_s(dn,scope,searchFilter)
+def connectDebianLDAP(uid=None, password=None):
+	'''Connect to the Debian LDAP with uid and password.
+	If uid and/or password is None (the default)
+	then connectLDAP uses an empty uid and password.
+	@param uid			The uid that should be used to connect
+	@type uid			str or None
+	@param password		The password tha should used to connect
+	@type password		str or None
+	@return				The connection object
+	'''
+	host = 'db.debian.org'
+	con = ldap.open(host)
+	if not uid:
+		uid = ""
+	if not password:
+		password = ""
+	con.simple_bind_s(uid, password)
+	return con
+def getDebianHost(con, host):
+	'''getDebianHost takes a ldap connection object and returns
+	recursive all host attributes from debian ldap for given host.
+	@param con			The ldap connection object
+	@type con			ldap connection object
+	@param host			The hostname 
+	@type host			str
+	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+	'''
+	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
+		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
+	if not type(host) == str:
+		raise TypeError('host must be type str')
+	dn = 'host=%s,ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org' %(host)
+	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope))
+def  getDebianHostAttributes(con, host, attr_list):
+	'''getDebianHostAttributes takes a ldap connection object and returns
+	all given host attributes
+	@param con			The ldap connection object
+	@type con			ldap connection object
+	@param host			The hostname
+	@type host			str
+	@param attr_list	The list of Attributes to query
+	@type attr_list		list
+	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+	'''
+	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
+		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
+	if not type(host) == str:
+		raise TypeError('host must be type str')
+	if not type(attr_list) == list:
+		raise TypeError('attr_list must be type list')
+	for entry in attr_list:
+		if not type(entry) == str:
+			raise TypeError('entry %s in attr_list must be type str' %(repr(entry)))
+	dn = 'host=%s,ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org' %(host)
+	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope, attrlist=attr_list))
+def getDebianHosts(con):
+	'''getDebianHosts takes a ldap connection object and returns
+	recursive all host entries with all attributes from the debian ldap.
+	@param con			The ldap connection object
+	@type con			ldap connection object
+	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+	'''
+	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
+		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
+	dn = 'ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org'
+	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope))
+def getDebianHostsAttributes(con, attr_list=['hostname', 'architecture', 'sponsor', 'purpose', 'status']):
+	'''getDebianHostsAttributes takes a ldap connection object
+	and returns the given optional attributes recursive for all hosts 
+	from debian ldap.
+	Defaults for attr_list are: hostname, architecture, sponsor, purpose, status
+	@param con			The ldap connection object
+	@type con			ldap connection object
+	@param attr_list	The list of attributes that should be searched for (optional)
+	@type attr_list		list
+	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+	'''
+	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
+		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
+	if not type(attr_list) == list:
+		raise TypeError('attr_list must be type list')
+	for entry in attr_list:
+		if not type(entry) == str:
+			raise TypeError('entry %s in attr_list must be type str' %(repr(entry)))
+	dn = 'ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org'
+	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope, attrlist=attr_list))
+def getDebianUser(con, user):
+	'''getDebianUser takes a ldap connection object and returns
+	all attributes for the given user.
+	@param con			The ldap connection object
+	@type con			ldap connection object
+	@param user			The username you wanne query for
+	@type user			str
+	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+	'''
+	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
+		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
+	if not type(user) == str:
+		raise TypeError('user must be type str')
+	dn = 'uid=%s,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org' %(user)
+	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope))
+def getDebianUserAttributes(con, user, attr_list):
+	'''getDebianUserAttributes takes a ldap connection object and returns 
+	the given attributes from attr_list for a given user from the ldap.
+	@param con			The ldap connection object
+	@type con			ldap connection object
+	@param user			The username you wanne query for
+	@type user			str
+	@param attr_list	The list of attributes that should be searched for
+	@type attr_list		list
+	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+	'''
+	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
+		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
+	if not type(user) == str:
+		raise TypeError('user must be type str')
+	for entry in attr_list:
+		if not type(entry) == str:
+			raise TypeError('entry %s in attr_list must be type str' %(repr(entry)))
+	dn = 'uid=%s,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org' %(user)
+	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope, attrlist=attr_list))
+def prepareLDAPResult(ldapresult):
+	'''prepareLDAPResult takes an ldap result, removes the 
+	ldap path and yield	the results.
+	@param ldapresult	The ldap result
+	@type ldapresult	list
+	@yield				the ldap result
+	'''
+	if not type(ldapresult) == list:
+		raise TypeError('ldapresult must be type list')
+	for entrys in ldapresult:
+		for entry in entrys:
+			if type(entry) == dict and entry:
+				yield entry
+__all__ = ['connectDebianLDAP', 'getDebianHost', 'getDebianHostAttributes', 'getDebianHosts', 
+			'getDebianHostsAttributes', 'getDebianUser', 'getDebianUserAttributes', 'prepareLDAPResult']
 if __name__ == '__main__':

=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/templates/machines.html'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/templates/machines.html	2009-01-10 22:32:01 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/templates/machines.html	2009-01-13 21:13:30 +0000
@@ -41,32 +41,35 @@
 				<div id="text">
 				<table border="1">
-                    <tr><th>Hostname</th><th>Architecture</th><th>Purpose</th><th>Sponsor</th><th>Status</th></tr>
-	        	        % for hostname in sorted(c.result):
-		   	                <tr>
-					            <td>${hostname}</td>
-					            % for key, values in sorted(c.result.get(hostname).items()):
-                                    <td>
-                                    % if len(values) > 1:
-                                        <ul>
-                                        % for item in values:
-                                            <li>${item}</li>
-                                        % endfor
-                                        </ul>
-                                    % else:
-                                        % for item in values:
-                                            ${item}
-                                        % endfor
-                                    % endif
-                                </td>
-                                % endfor
-                            </tr>
-                        % endfor
+                    <tr>
+						<th>Hostname</th>
+						<th>Architecture</th>
+						<th>Purpose</th>
+						<th>Sponsor</th>
+						<th>Status</th>
+					</tr>
+					% for result in c.result:
+						<tr>
+							<td>
+								% for hostname in result.get('hostname', ['Unkown',]):
+									${hostname}
+								% endfor
+							</td>
+							% for key in ['architecture', 'purpose', 'sponsor', 'status']:
+								<td>
+									<ul>
+										% for value in result.get(key, ['Unknown',]):
+											<li>${value}</li>
+										% endfor
+									</ul>
+								</td>
+							% endfor
+						</tr>
+                    % endfor

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