[Da-tools-commits] ./da-tools/userdir-ldap-cgi-python r9: building all new in OOP style.

Robin Wittler real at geek-at-work.org
Tue Jan 20 17:29:13 UTC 2009

revno: 9
committer: Robin Wittler <real at geek-at-work.org>
branch nick: userdir-ldap-cgi-python
timestamp: Tue 2009-01-20 18:29:13 +0100
  building all new in OOP style.
-------------- next part --------------
=== modified file 'ud_ldap_ng/lib/ud_ldap_ng.py'
--- a/ud_ldap_ng/lib/ud_ldap_ng.py	2009-01-13 21:13:30 +0000
+++ b/ud_ldap_ng/lib/ud_ldap_ng.py	2009-01-20 17:29:13 +0000
@@ -1,169 +1,329 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf8 -*-
-__version__ = '0.0.2'
+__version__ = '0.0.4'
 __author__ = 'Robin Wittler <real at geek-at-work.org>'
 __license__ = 'GPL3'
 import ldap
-def connectDebianLDAP(uid=None, password=None):
-	'''Connect to the Debian LDAP with uid and password.
-	If uid and/or password is None (the default)
-	then connectLDAP uses an empty uid and password.
-	@param uid			The uid that should be used to connect
-	@type uid			str or None
-	@param password		The password tha should used to connect
-	@type password		str or None
-	@return				The connection object
-	'''
-	host = 'db.debian.org'
-	con = ldap.open(host)
-	if not uid:
-		uid = ""
-	if not password:
-		password = ""
-	con.simple_bind_s(uid, password)
-	return con
-def getDebianHost(con, host):
-	'''getDebianHost takes a ldap connection object and returns
-	recursive all host attributes from debian ldap for given host.
-	@param con			The ldap connection object
-	@type con			ldap connection object
-	@param host			The hostname 
-	@type host			str
-	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
-	'''
-	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
-		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
-	if not type(host) == str:
-		raise TypeError('host must be type str')
-	dn = 'host=%s,ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org' %(host)
-	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope))
-def  getDebianHostAttributes(con, host, attr_list):
-	'''getDebianHostAttributes takes a ldap connection object and returns
-	all given host attributes
-	@param con			The ldap connection object
-	@type con			ldap connection object
-	@param host			The hostname
-	@type host			str
-	@param attr_list	The list of Attributes to query
-	@type attr_list		list
-	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
-	'''
-	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
-		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
-	if not type(host) == str:
-		raise TypeError('host must be type str')
-	if not type(attr_list) == list:
-		raise TypeError('attr_list must be type list')
-	for entry in attr_list:
-		if not type(entry) == str:
-			raise TypeError('entry %s in attr_list must be type str' %(repr(entry)))
-	dn = 'host=%s,ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org' %(host)
-	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope, attrlist=attr_list))
-def getDebianHosts(con):
-	'''getDebianHosts takes a ldap connection object and returns
-	recursive all host entries with all attributes from the debian ldap.
-	@param con			The ldap connection object
-	@type con			ldap connection object
-	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
-	'''
-	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
-		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
-	dn = 'ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org'
-	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope))
-def getDebianHostsAttributes(con, attr_list=['hostname', 'architecture', 'sponsor', 'purpose', 'status']):
-	'''getDebianHostsAttributes takes a ldap connection object
-	and returns the given optional attributes recursive for all hosts 
-	from debian ldap.
-	Defaults for attr_list are: hostname, architecture, sponsor, purpose, status
-	@param con			The ldap connection object
-	@type con			ldap connection object
-	@param attr_list	The list of attributes that should be searched for (optional)
-	@type attr_list		list
-	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
-	'''
-	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
-		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
-	if not type(attr_list) == list:
-		raise TypeError('attr_list must be type list')
-	for entry in attr_list:
-		if not type(entry) == str:
-			raise TypeError('entry %s in attr_list must be type str' %(repr(entry)))
-	dn = 'ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org'
-	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope, attrlist=attr_list))
-def getDebianUser(con, user):
-	'''getDebianUser takes a ldap connection object and returns
-	all attributes for the given user.
-	@param con			The ldap connection object
-	@type con			ldap connection object
-	@param user			The username you wanne query for
-	@type user			str
-	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
-	'''
-	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
-		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
-	if not type(user) == str:
-		raise TypeError('user must be type str')
-	dn = 'uid=%s,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org' %(user)
-	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope))
-def getDebianUserAttributes(con, user, attr_list):
-	'''getDebianUserAttributes takes a ldap connection object and returns 
-	the given attributes from attr_list for a given user from the ldap.
-	@param con			The ldap connection object
-	@type con			ldap connection object
-	@param user			The username you wanne query for
-	@type user			str
-	@param attr_list	The list of attributes that should be searched for
-	@type attr_list		list
-	@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
-	'''
-	if not hasattr(con, 'search_s'):
-		raise AttributeError('con must have a "search_s" attribute')
-	if not type(user) == str:
-		raise TypeError('user must be type str')
-	for entry in attr_list:
-		if not type(entry) == str:
-			raise TypeError('entry %s in attr_list must be type str' %(repr(entry)))
-	dn = 'uid=%s,ou=users,dc=debian,dc=org' %(user)
-	scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
-	return prepareLDAPResult(con.search_s(dn, scope, attrlist=attr_list))
-def prepareLDAPResult(ldapresult):
-	'''prepareLDAPResult takes an ldap result, removes the 
-	ldap path and yield	the results.
-	@param ldapresult	The ldap result
-	@type ldapresult	list
-	@yield				the ldap result
-	'''
-	if not type(ldapresult) == list:
-		raise TypeError('ldapresult must be type list')
-	for entrys in ldapresult:
-		for entry in entrys:
-			if type(entry) == dict and entry:
-				yield entry
-__all__ = ['connectDebianLDAP', 'getDebianHost', 'getDebianHostAttributes', 'getDebianHosts', 
-			'getDebianHostsAttributes', 'getDebianUser', 'getDebianUserAttributes', 'prepareLDAPResult']
+class DebianLDAPResult(object):
+	'''This class represents a ldap result.
+	If the optional argument adjust is True, this class automaticly adjust all
+	entrys in this way:
+		not adjusted format:
+		[
+			((host='test',ou='hosts',dc='debian',dc='org'), {'hostname': ['test'], 'purpose': ['prod'], 'sponsor': ['Nice Guy Sponsor'], 'status': ['down']}),
+			((host='test2',ou='hosts',dc='debian',dc='org'), {'hostname': ['test2'], 'sponsor': ['Nice Guy Sponsor'], 'status': ['down']})
+		]
+		in the not adjusted format the second entry misses one attribute: purpose
+		adjusted format:
+		[
+			((host='test',ou='hosts',dc='debian',dc='org'), {'hostname': ['test'], 'purpose': ['prod'], 'sponsor': ['Nice Guy Sponsor'], 'status': ['down']}),
+			((host='test2',ou='hosts',dc='debian',dc='org'), {'hostname': ['test2'], 'purpose': ['Unknown'], 'sponsor': ['Nice Guy Sponsor'], 'status': ['down']})
+		]
+		after the adjustResults method, the second entry has the missing attribut.
+		So, the adjustResults method looks over all attributes 
+		'''
+	def __new__(cls, results, adjust=0):
+		cls.isRawLDAPResult(results)
+		cls.__original_results = results
+		if adjust:
+			cls.__results = cls.adjustResults(results)
+		else:
+			cls.__results = results
+		return object.__new__(cls)
+	@classmethod
+	def isRawLDAPResult(cls, results):
+		'''Checks if a iterable is a wellformed ldap result'''
+		try:
+			i = iter(results)
+		except TypeError:
+			raise TypeError('results must be iterable')
+		for tuple_nr, result_tuple in enumerate(results):
+			if not type(result_tuple) == tuple:
+				raise TypeError('item %s in results must be type tuple' %(tuple_nr))
+			if not len(result_tuple) == 2:
+				raise ValueError('tuple %s in results must have 2 values.' %(tuple_nr))
+			if not type(result_tuple[0]) == str:
+				raise ValueError(' item 0 in tuple %s must be type str' %(tuple_nr))
+			if not type(result_tuple[1]) == dict:
+				raise ValueError(' item 1 in tuple %s must be type dict' %(tuple_nr))
+		return True
+	@classmethod
+	def isDebianLDAPResult(cls, results):
+		'''Checks if a iterable is a wellformed DebianLDAPResult.'''
+		try:
+			i = iter(results)
+		except TypeError:
+			raise TypeError('results must be iterable')
+		for nr, result in enumerate(results):
+			if not type(result) == dict:
+				raise TypeError('item %s in results must be type dict' %(nr))
+		return True
+	@classmethod
+	def adjustResults(cls, results, default_value=['Unknown',]):
+		all_attr = cls.__getAllAttrFromRawResult(results)
+		ret_list = list()
+		cls.isRawLDAPResult(results)
+		for dn, result in results:
+			if not result:
+				results.remove((dn, result))
+				continue
+			for key in all_attr:
+				if key not in result:
+					result.setdefault(key, default_value)
+			ret_list.append(result)
+		return ret_list
+	@classmethod
+	def sortDebianResults(cls, keyword, reverse):
+		if not type(keyword) == str and keyword:
+			raise TypeError('keyword must be type str, None or False')
+		if not keyword in cls.__getAllAttrFromDebianResult(cls.__results):
+			raise KeyError('keyword exist not in results')
+		if not type(reverse) == bool:
+			raise TypeError('reverse must be type bool')
+		ret_list = list()
+		for result in cls.__results:
+			if not keyword in result:
+				raise KeyError('keyword is not in result: %s' %(result))
+			ret_list.append((result.get(keyword), result))
+		ret_list = sorted(ret_list, reverse=reverse)
+		for keyword, result in [(i,k) for i,k in ret_list]:
+			ret_list.remove((keyword, result))
+			ret_list.append(result)
+		return ret_list
+	@classmethod
+	def __getAllAttrFromRawResult(cls, results):
+		all_attr = set()
+		cls.isRawLDAPResult(results)
+		for dn, result in results:
+			for key in result:
+				all_attr.add(key)
+		return all_attr
+	@classmethod
+	def __getAllAttrFromDebianResult(cls, results):
+		all_attr = set()
+		cls.isDebianLDAPResult(results)
+		for result in results:
+			for key in result:
+				all_attr.add(key)
+		return all_attr
+	@classmethod
+	def getOriginalResults(cls):
+		return iter(cls.__original_results)
+	@classmethod
+	def  __iter__(cls):
+		return iter(cls.__results)
+class MyLDAP(object):
+	'''This is a simple wrapper around ldap.
+	There are some Methods added to questioning the ldap for some values.'''
+	def connect(self, host='', uid='', password=''):
+		'''Connects and binds to a ldap. Takes three args: host, uid and password.
+		host defaults to an empty string, uid defaults to an empty string and
+		password defaults to an empty string. Returns None.
+		@param host			The host to connect to.
+		@type host			str
+		@param uid			The uid used while connecting.
+		@type uid			str
+		@param password		The password used while connecting.
+		@type password		str
+		@return				None
+		'''
+		if getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('The "connect" Method was called before.')
+		for key, value in dict(host=host, uid=uid, password=password).items():
+			if not type(value) == str:
+				raise TypeError('%s must be type str' %(key))
+		self.con = ldap.open(host)
+		self.host = host
+		self.uid = uid
+		self.con.simple_bind_s(self.uid, password)
+		return None
+	def getHost(self):
+		'''Returns the host string
+		@return				str'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		return self.__host
+	def setHost(self, value):
+		'''Set the host string and returns it.
+		Normaly it will be called by the connect method and is immutable.
+		@param value		The string you want set as host
+		@type value			str
+		@return				str'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'host', None):
+			if not type(value) == str:
+				raise TypeError('value must be type str')
+			self.__host = value
+		return self.__host
+	def delHost(self):
+		'''Simply returns the host string insted of deleting it.
+		@return				str'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		return self.__host
+	def getUid(self):
+		'''Returns the uid string
+		@return				str'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		return self.__uid
+	def setUid(self, value):
+		'''Set the uid string and returns it.
+		@param value		The string you want to set as uid.
+		@type value			str
+		@return				str'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'uid', None):
+			if not type(value) == str:
+				raise TypeError('value must be type str')
+			self.__uid = value
+		return self.__uid
+	def delUid(self):
+		'''Simply returns the uid string insted of deleting it.
+		@return				str'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		return self.__uid
+	def getCon(self):
+		'''Returns the LDAP Connection Object.
+		@return				ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject'''
+		return self.__con
+	def setCon(self, value):
+		'''Set the LDAP Connection Object.
+		@param value		The LDAP Connection Object.
+		@type value			ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject
+		@return				None'''
+		if not isinstance(value, ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject):
+			raise TypeError('value must be instance of ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject')
+		for attr in dir(ldap.ldapobject.SimpleLDAPObject):
+			if not getattr(value, attr, None):
+				raise AttributeError('value must have a %s attribute' %(attr))
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			self.__con = value
+	def delCon(self):
+		'''Simply returns None insted of deleting the LDAP Connection Object'''
+		return None
+	def ldapSearch(self, dn, scope, filterstr='(objectClass=*)', attrlist=None, attrsonly=0):
+		'''This method takes 4 arguments and forms a syncron ldap request from these args.
+		It simply returns the ldap result.
+		@param dn			The ldap search dn.
+		@type dn			str
+		@param scope		The ldap Scope result depth
+		@type scope			int
+		@param filterstr	The ldap search filter
+		@type filterstr		int
+		@param attrlist		The attributes to explizit search for
+		@type attrlist		list
+		@param attrsonly	Set this to get only the attributes from ldap
+		@type attrsonly		int
+		@return				list
+		'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		if not type(dn) == str:
+			raise TypeError('dn must be type str')
+		if not type(scope) == int:
+			raise TypeError('scope must be type int')
+		if not type(filterstr) == str:
+			raise TypeError('filterstr must be type str')
+		if not type(attrlist) == list and attrlist:
+			raise TypeError('attrlist must be type list or None')
+		if attrlist:
+			for nr, value in enumerate(attrlist):
+				if not type(value) == str:
+					raise TypeError('value %s in attrlist must be type str' %(nr))
+		if not type(attrsonly) == int:
+			raise TypeError('attrsonly must be type int')
+		return self.con.search_s(dn, scope, filterstr=filterstr, attrlist=attrlist, attrsonly=attrsonly)
+	host = property(getHost, setHost, delHost, 'This is the host property.')
+	uid = property(getUid, setUid, delUid, 'This is the uid property.')
+	con = property(getCon, setCon, delCon, 'This is the LDAP Connection Object property.')
+class AnonymousDebianLDAP(MyLDAP):
+	def __init__(self):
+		self.connect('db.debian.org')
+	def getDebianHost(self, host, attrlist=None):
+		'''getDebianHost returns recursive all host attributes from debian ldap for given host.
+		Optional you can submit a list of attributes in which you are only interested.
+		@param host			The host to query for
+		@type host			str
+		@param attrlist		An Optional list of Attributes to query for
+		@type attrlist		list
+		@return				A generator object with the ldap answer
+		'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		if not type(host) == str:
+			raise TypeError('host must be type str')
+		dn = 'host=%s,ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org' %(host)
+		scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+		return DebianLDAPResult(self.ldapSearch(dn, scope, attrlist=attrlist))
+	def getDebianHosts(self, attrlist=None, keyword='hostname', reversed=False):
+		'''getDebianHosts returns recursive all hosts and all hosts attributes from debian ldap.
+		Optional you can submit a list of attributes in which you are only interested.
+		You can submit a keyword (which defaults to 'hostname') and then the returned list will
+		be sorted by this keyword. If the optional arg reversed set to True, 
+		the returned list will be reversed.
+		@param attrlist		An Optional list of Attributes to query for
+		@type attrlist		list
+		@param keyword		The keyword to sort
+		@type keyword		str
+		@param reversed		reverse the sort
+		@type reversed		bool
+		@return				ResultObject
+		'''
+		if not getattr(self, 'con', None):
+			raise Exception('You must call the "connect" Method before.')
+		if not type(keyword) == str:
+			raise TypeError('keyword must be type str')
+		if not type(reversed) == bool:
+			raise TypeError('reversed must be type bool')
+		dn = 'ou=hosts,dc=debian,dc=org'
+		scope = ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE
+		return DebianLDAPResult(self.ldapSearch(dn, scope, attrlist=attrlist))
+__all__ = ['MyLDAP', 'DebianLDAP']
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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