[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: Not sure this is a dbconfig-common problem
Sean Finney
Tue, 3 May 2005 10:08:31 -0400
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On Tue, May 03, 2005 at 10:23:07AM +0200, Tobias Grimm wrote:
> No. This was just because of the failing postinst from the first=20
> install, so the second time I installed the package the update had been=
> applied again. I think I will use a script for updating, that checks the=
> database version, to avoid these issues.
aha. that actually brings up something i haven't thought of.
dbconfig-common handles retrying upgrades when the prevoius db upgrade
failed, but it doesn't so much work if the db upgrade succeeded and
something failed later on in the postinst causing the upgrade to fail.
how to handle this is i think worth pondering for a bit. the first
thing that comes to mind is making db upgrade failures a little
"softer", so that if the upgrade failed, the admin could see what
went wrong and decide it it was worth continuing or retrying.
> So far, everything works well. I'm just not sure, how to handle changes=
> in the applications ini-config and how to upgrade from existing=20
i think ucf is the way to go here. if the user modifying the ini file
manually their changes won't be lost, but there's still the issue of
dbconfig-common and their ini file having different settings in it.
the only real problem this could cause would be if the settings changed
because the database configuration changed AND there was a database
upgrade that needed to be done by dbconfig-common. i'm open to ideas,
and ill think about that for a bit.
> installations, that don't use dbconfig-common. If this is solved, I will=
> release the package in my private repository.
that's another issue i need to think about, it could proibably be
handled via some maintainer specifiable variable and a debconf
PS - i'm cc'ing this to Miguel Gea Milvaques, as he's recently joined up
to help out and i'd like to hear what he thinks as well. ah hell,
i'll cc it to the alioth list too.
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