[Dbconfig-common-devel] oracle.

Miguel Gea Milvaques debian at miguelgea.com
Wed Nov 16 11:05:02 UTC 2005

En/na sean finney ha escrit:
> hi miguel,
> On Tue, Nov 15, 2005 at 01:10:33PM +0100, Miguel Gea Milvaques wrote:
>>0.- Which environment variables are needed? This is my environment
>>oracle related settings:
> would we need to determine these settings, or are they already
> stored somewhere where we could just source it?  otherwise i think
> we should require that said settings are stored in a config file.

Each oracle installation could be without follow FHS, (as I did), so,
the ORACLE_BASE and ORACLE_HOME must to be asked for it. If other
database has been created previously, then a /etc/oratab file is
created, and it contains ORACLE_HOME. The ORACLE_SID is the database
name, that is introduced with debconf. The ORACLE_OWNER, is recommended
to be "oracle", but is not mandatory.
>>1.- How to create the database (PARTIALLY SOLVED):
>>         Here there are the first problem.
>>         There are two different forms to create the database, manually
>>         and with a database assistant (dbca). In both cases, the
>>         database hast to be created *locally*. It could be done with
>>         ssh... but I don't think it could be a good idea.
> i would say that if it is entirely impossible to create a database
> remotely, it should be outside of the scope of dbconfig-common,
> and the admin should just get a scary warning telling them they
> have to do so.  if you like, i have a dba friend who knows oracle
> and i could ask him if he had any better suggestions.


>>2.- How to create/grant new users (SOLVED)?
>>	There are three indentification methods in oracle (local,
>>        external and global). Permissions could be granted and users
>>        must to be unlocked.
> seems that there are a few ways of doing this.  while i don't know
> oracle well enough to comment on the various methods, how identification
> is currently handled in the pgsql code might serve as a good idea of how
> it could work in oracle (though this would be a bit more complicated)

It seems that is not exactly the same as pgsql, This is not the
connection method to the database, is who check the database user password.

>>3.- How to populate the database or execute any sql command (SOLVED):
>>        $ sqlplus scott/x at orcl  @tables-oracle.sql
> is x at orcl the password?

x-> password
orcl -> domain (orcl is the database sid. usually is in format
sid.machine, if machine is not in place, sid.localhost seems to be the
>>7.- How to prepare the package? Oracle is a non free software but I
>>think as oracle is optional, it don't need to go to contrib.
> yes, dbc would be able to stay in main, as it's merely support for
> extra software and not a dependency on said software.  as far as
> packaging goes, i would say that the install of dbc should not be any
> different for normal users, but perhaps a bit of code can be inserted
> to detect oracle installations.  

Is very easy know if oracle is installed, it creates a /etc/oraInst.loc
default file.

then, if a package supporting oracle
> tells dbc it supports oracle via dbc_dbtype/s, this code is invoked.
> if we also have to do any global configuration for oracle, it could be
> executed at this time as well.
> 	sean

e-mail: Miguel Gea Milvaques <debian(@nospam)miguelgea.com
Blog: http://www.livejournal.com/users/xerakko/
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