[Dbconfig-common-devel] dbconfig-common and default values.

Matthijs Mohlmann matthijs at cacholong.nl
Sat Nov 19 15:52:54 UTC 2005


I tried to use dbconfig-generate-include for dspam. So I started reading
the manpages. The documentation is not completely ok, for example I
thought that "-o template_infile=.." is something like inputfile. And
there is no documentation for what should be in inputfile. Like the
dbc_dbuser, dbc_dbuser etc variables.

Suggestion to add such documentation and a few examples how to use it.
(would be really nice for new users to dbconfig-common)

Another suggestion:
The template has some variables like: _DBC_DBHOST_, _DBC_DBPORT_ and so
on, but when one of these are not set. Then they are not filled in by
dbconfig-generate-include, resulting in an error when starting the
daemon or some other program that uses a database that's configured with

Please set the default values to something so that they are replaced too.

And as last suggestion: please make the questions medium as I think they
are pretty important.

I hope you will take this suggestions. And thanks for maintaining this
program, I am also planning to use this in pdns.


Matthijs Mohlmann
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