[Dbconfig-common-devel] createlang in a postgres database

Ruediger Beck jeffbeck at web.de
Thu Sep 22 00:07:15 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I'm new to this list.
I'm trying to package a postgresql database for user administration, 
which uses
a lot of functions in SQL.

when i do the following by hand it works:
(the database-code(SQL) is in the /install/postgresql directory)

apt-get install postgresql

su postgres
create db ldap
createlang plpgsql ldap

apt-get install my-package

If I leave out the following steps:

su postgres
create db ldap
createlang plpgsql ldap

..., I get an error from dbconfig-common that tells me to use createlang.

My Question:

What is the standard procedure to install a database and the language 
the database needs.

I'm not very good in SQL or postgres and it's wonderful to have 
dbconfig-common. Thank You!

Rüdiger Beck

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