[Dbconfig-common-devel] Fwd: Bug#403661: torrentflux: fails to install with error code 10

Cameron Dale camrdale at gmail.com
Wed Dec 20 07:04:11 CET 2006

Here's the response I got from the submitter. I'm not sure how helpful
it will be, as the problem has now been resolved. It does seem like it
perhaps came from installing torrentflux at the same time as
dbconfig-common. Is this known to work? I've seen some mention of the
possible need to pre-depend on dbconfig-common, but I was under the
impression that wasn't required. Is that correct?


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Remi Vanicat <vanicat at debian.org>
Date: Dec 19, 2006 8:44 PM
Subject: Re: Bug#403661: torrentflux: fails to install with error code 10
To: Cameron Dale <camrdale at gmail.com>
Cc: Micah Anderson <micah at riseup.net>, 403661 at bugs.debian.org,
control at bugs.debian.org

2006/12/19, Cameron Dale <camrdale at gmail.com>:
> severity 403661 normal
> tags 403661 unreproducible
> thanks
> On 12/19/06, Remi Vanicat <vanicat at debian.org> wrote:
> > 2006/12/19, Micah Anderson <micah at riseup.net>:
> > > I just created a sid chroot and attempted to install torrentflux, I did
> > > not encounter this problem.
> > >
> > > I tried a few different failure scenarios (mysql-client not available,
> > > mysql-server not installed, database password incorrect, database server
> > > not running) and they all worked fine.
> >
> > Note that failure happen before I've been asked the database password,
> > and mysql-server and mysql-client were installed.
> >
> > answer to dbconfig question was :
> > no for keeping admin password
> > no for using non local database
> >
> > I've just try to do an aptitude reinstall dbconfig-common and
> > everything worked as expected.
> > Now, I'm trying to reproduce the bug on my computer, but it is not
> > there anymore. I do'nt understand.
> It may be a one-time thing, or something may have happened to
> dbconfig-common that is unexpected. Had you just installed it
> recently?

Yes, at the same time than torrentflux.

>Does it work for other packages?

Well, now that the problem is fixed on my compueter, it work with
other packages (I've just tried with serendipity). I haven't tried
when there was the problem.

> I asked on the dbconfig-common mail list, and it seems that I have
> used it properly. The dbconfig-common developer did ask if you could
> try "debconf-show dbconfig-common", and "dpkg-reconfigure
> dbconfig-common",
debconf-show dbconfig-common
  dbconfig-common/mysql/app-pass: (password omitted)
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/app-pass: (password omitted)
  dbconfig-common/mysql/admin-pass: (password omitted)
  dbconfig-common/password-confirm: (password omitted)
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/admin-pass: (password omitted)
  dbconfig-common/app-password-confirm: (password omitted)
* dbconfig-common/remote-questions-default: false
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/revertconf: false
  dbconfig-common/internal/skip-preseed: false
  dbconfig-common/dbconfig-remove: true
  dbconfig-common/mysql/method: unix socket
  dbconfig-common/upgrade-backup: true
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/authmethod-admin: ident
  dbconfig-common/upgrade-error: abort
  dbconfig-common/purge: false
  dbconfig-common/install-error: abort
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/admin-user: postgres
  dbconfig-common/dbconfig-install: true
  dbconfig-common/dbconfig-reinstall: false
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/changeconf: false
  dbconfig-common/dbconfig-upgrade: true
  dbconfig-common/internal/reconfiguring: false
  dbconfig-common/remove-error: abort
* dbconfig-common/remember-admin-pass: false
  dbconfig-common/mysql/admin-user: root
  dbconfig-common/pgsql/method: unix socket

> as the former would be informative, the latter might
> fix the problem (although I gather it's been fixed already).

Well, yes, reinstalling dbconfig did the trick

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