[Dbconfig-common-devel] Re: dbconfig-common - short question

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Sun Feb 12 19:55:35 UTC 2006

hi karsten et al,

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 03:34:51PM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> If not, what is the rationale against it ? What would the
> official, suggested workaround be ? The need is clearly there.

i think they would not be very receptive to the idea, as i think
it would work against the way the entire reasonable stable and
explainable interrelatinships work with the dpkg/apt tools...
my guess is that their response would be "either you need the
package or you don't.  if you can live without the package
then it should be a Recommends/Suggests."

On Sun, Feb 12, 2006 at 03:39:06PM +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> At the end of the day, of course, it's the job of the
> failing application to advise the user about possible
> reasons for it failing along the lines of:
> "The server you were trying to connect to does not respond.
>  Please make sure there's a server running at the given
>  address. If you want to run a local server you might need to
>  install and configure the "your-app-server" package."

i think a rather simple way to help with this is have a chunk
of code in the postinst script such that if the user selects
localhost it checks for being able to access the database,
or at least that the server is in the PATH.  if not, it
could issue a stern warning like:

  "Warning: $dbtype server not found. Abort installation?
   You've chosen to install the database on the local host, but there
   doesn't seem to be a database server running.  If you have a
   database server installed locally on your system outside of the
   debian package management system, you can safely ignore this message,
   but otherwise if you expect this package to work out of the box you
   should stop now and install $dbtype_server."


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