[Dbconfig-common-devel] support for databases on remote hosts?
Michael Ablassmeier
abi at grinser.de
Thu Jun 8 14:52:37 UTC 2006
hi sean,
On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 10:46:14AM -0400, sean finney wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 08, 2006 at 12:53:06PM +0200, Michael Ablassmeier wrote:
> > i havent found anything in the documentation regarding dbconfig-common
> > and setting up databases on *remote* hosts. As it stands, it seems like
> > packages which use dbconfig-common have a suggest to the database system
> > they use and expect it to be installed on the localhost (and if thats
> > not the case they fail gracefully and let the user do the stuff).
> nope, you're missing out on a whole chunk of features. try setting
> the debconf priority to low and then installing one of the examples :)
oh dear! That explains everything :)
> > Im also interested what the best practises for handling the database
> > server from the packages view are (like, placing the needed SQL Scripts
> > for setting up the Database somewhere to /usr/share/ and provide a
> > pointer in README.Debian how to setup them by hand etc..)
> there's some stuff in the "best practices" document...
thanks, and also thanks for dbconfig-common, great stuff!
- michael
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