[Dbconfig-common-devel] dbc_authmethod_user="password" problems

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Oct 9 07:17:28 UTC 2006

On Sun, 2006-10-08 at 23:41 -0400, Finn Smith wrote:
> > - test against the latest dbc version, just in case?
> > - test with the db-test-pgsql package?
> Testing using the db-test-* packages in 1.8.11 turned up multiple
> errors. Testing using the versions in 1.8.23 things went more

yes, that is why there was a .12, .13 .... .24 :)

> When installing the .deb with a debconf priority of "high" I selected
> "pgsql" as the database type. It then correctly requested a password
> for the application user. However, there were some error messages
> during the database creation:
> dbconfig-common: writing config to /etc/dbconfig-common/db-test-multidbtype.conf
> Creating config file /etc/dbconfig-common/db-test-multidbtype.conf
> with new version
> creating postgres user dbtestmultidbtype:  success.
> verifying creation of user: success.
> creating database dbtestmultidbtype: success.
> verifying database dbtestmultidbtype exists: success.
> populating database via sql...  warning: ident method specified but
> local account doesn't exist.
> warning: ident method specified but local account doesn't exist.
> done.
> dbconfig-common: flushing administrative password

the error message is *mostly* benign, though it indicates as you have
pointed out later that the value of dbc_authmethod_user has been changed
to ident somehow.

> In /etc/dbconfig-common/db-test-multidbtype.conf the password was
> correctly recorded in dbc_dbpass. However, dbc_authmethod_user was
> incorrectly recorded as "ident".
> However, if I install db-test-multidbytype with a debconf priority of
> low and leave all the selections at their default except for setting
> the user authentication method to "password" and then entering the
> password, the install performs correctly. The database and database
> user are created and the correct values are recorded in
> /etc/dbconfig-common/db-test-multidbtype.conf

okay, well this is good to know.  so it seems then that the
packager-specified default is always being overridden by something,
somewhere in the code.  if you could put something about this in the BTS
i'd appreciate it.

> The goal was to build a package that could be deployed on Ubuntu 6.06,
> which has dbconfig-common version 1.8.11. Any suggestions on how I
> might force the package into using a password for the application's
> pgsql authentication when at higher debconf priority levels would be
> appreciated.

ah.  if it were .17 or .18, i think you'd have a much better time but
i think that that far back things are way to messy/buggy to be reliable.
you might be better off seeing if you can get someone to introduce a
newer version in their backport archives.  i guess that this is what
happens when one distribution bases its "stable" core off another
distributions "testing" release :)

> If I have the time I'll try and figure out why with 1.8.23 it works
> correctly for pgsql alone, but not when pgsql is selected in the
> multidatabase mode.

my guess is that it has something to do with what variables are
pre-seeded based on the dbtype, and the fact that they're preseeded
before the dbtype is selected.

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