[Dbconfig-common-devel] db-test-multidbtype: can't determine the database type

Finn Smith fcsmith at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 04:25:57 UTC 2006

Here's another potential issue I found while playing with the test
packages provided by dbconfig-common 1.8.23. When installing
db-test-multidbtype if you answer "No" to the first question
"Configure database for db-test-multidbtype with dbconfig-common?"
immediately an error screen is displayed:

"An error seems to have occurred while installing the database. If
it's of any help, this was the error encountered:

dbconfig-common can not determine the database type."

Is this the appropriate behavior? Or should it fail more gracefully?
The packages db-test-mysql and db-test-pgsql do not seem to have any
problems if you answer "No" to the initial question, so I'm guessing
this is an issue with the multidbtype?

I'm curious if there's a way to test for the the fact that no database
type was selected and proceed with the configuration regardless.


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