[Dbconfig-common-devel] db-test-multidbtype: can't determine the database type

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Mon Oct 9 22:32:16 UTC 2006

On Mon, 2006-10-09 at 17:41 -0400, Finn Smith wrote:
> Another similar issue that I wanted to ask about concerns the
> uninstall behavior. I tested installing the db-test-mysql and
> db-test-pgsql packages while answering "No" to the question "Configure
> database with dbconfig-common" question as well. They installed fine.
> However, when uninstalling these packages, a similar question is
> asked: "Deconfigure database with dbconfig-common?" Since I did not
> configure the database during install, I would not expect to be asked
> if I wanted to deconfigure the database during the remove/purge step.
> Is this the right behavior?

nope :)  feel free to report this one as well.  hopefully i'll have some
time to sit down and get these bugs worked out before the freeze.  let
me know if you see anything else!

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