[Dbconfig-common-devel] db-test-multidbtype: can't determine the database type

Finn Smith fcsmith at gmail.com
Mon Oct 9 21:41:27 UTC 2006

On 10/9/06, sean finney <seanius at seanius.net> wrote:
> that should definitely not happen.  it seems like the code is being
> overly zealous in checking variables.  could you please report this
> via the BTS?

OK, I reported it.

Another similar issue that I wanted to ask about concerns the
uninstall behavior. I tested installing the db-test-mysql and
db-test-pgsql packages while answering "No" to the question "Configure
database with dbconfig-common" question as well. They installed fine.
However, when uninstalling these packages, a similar question is
asked: "Deconfigure database with dbconfig-common?" Since I did not
configure the database during install, I would not expect to be asked
if I wanted to deconfigure the database during the remove/purge step.
Is this the right behavior?


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