[Dbconfig-common-devel] Status of "editing pg_hba.conf"

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Thu Jan 25 18:56:27 CET 2007

hi karsten,

On Thu, 2007-01-25 at 11:59 +0100, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
> - GNUmed connects gm-dbo to new GNUmed database
> 	- why: to run the rest of the GNUmed DDL such
> 	       that everything is owned by gm-dbo
> 	- not every PG object can be given explicit
> 	  ownership yet (we still support PG 7.4)
> 	- this can be done by requiring md5 access
> 	  for gm-dbo even on UNIX domain sockets
> !!!!!!!!!!!!
>  	- for that, however, we need to edit pg_hba.conf
> 	- personally, I am fine with popping up an editor
> 	  with pg_hba.conf in it and showing instructions
> 	  on what to do
> !!!!!!!!!!!!

i guess what i fail to see here is why you can't just connect as the
gnumed user using md5 authentication over the loopback interface?

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