[Dbconfig-common-devel] new team member and other updates

Niko Tyni ntyni at debian.org
Sun Mar 30 21:31:58 UTC 2008

On Sat, Mar 29, 2008 at 04:07:29PM +0100, sean finney wrote:
> i've just added Niko Tyni (ntyni) to the alioth team for dbconfig-common.  
> Niko has been submitting a hefty collection of bugs against dbconfig-common, 
> so i thought it prudent to invite Niko to join the team and help manage 
> fixing them as well :)
> so, welcome!

Thanks :) Please don't expect anything from me initially, I've just
assumed comaintenance of the perl package and will be busy with the
5.10 transition for the near future. I'll try to help out later when
(if?) I have the time.

My interest in dbconfig-common stems from request-tracker3.6,
which I have slowly been migrating from fully manual configuration
to debconf+ucf+dbconfig-common. In case anybody's interested, the
current version in experimental uses dbconfig-common, and I'm working
on utilizing the support for database upgrades in the unreleased SVN
version on svn.debian.org.

Sean and others, thanks for making dbconfig-common the useful thing it is!


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