[Dbconfig-common-devel] A few questions about dbconfig-common

sindal at gmail.com sindal at gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 03:41:58 UTC 2009

thanks a lot for the answer

> hope you don't mind but i'm cc'ing this to the dbconfig-common-devel
> list for posterity.
no problem at all

> i believe that by default it should create a name that removes such
> any characters deemed "special".
1.8.39 simply just returned an error without creating either user or  
database. I might test a newer version if I get the time.

> i think you're mixing up the package name and the database name. try
> keeping the package name when calling dbc_go, but before you call dbc_go
> set the database user name to what you'd like (ie dbc_dbuser, check
> the docs for which maintainer scripts need the variable set for this
> to work). the admin will still have the oppurtunity to override the
> database user/db name, but you can using this technique set what you want
> to be the default, modulo any special character removal.
ah yes ofc I should be able to something along the lines of.


dbc_dbname=`sed $packagename -e /-/_/g`
dbc_dbuser=`sed $packagename -e /-/_/g` #Dunno if the sanity check also  
fails for "_" in usernames
dbc_go $packagename $@

> > Besides is there an official way of creating multiple databases?
> not in active use. some time back i implemented a "multi instance support"
> which is not advertised nor documented... if you could describe what you
> need it for i could perhaps try to remember how it was implemented and  
> whether
> or not it might be feasible to use it.
short story short we had to streamline multiple packages into one, and each  
of them should have their own database.

As i looks right now we'll probably go away from dbconfig-common with the  
next release, and replace it with something more robust, since too many  
installations were left only partly configured (not directly a problem in  
dbconfig-common but due to low-skilled admins so we need something a bit  
more foolproof)
I would like to simply patch and mail you some improvements the variable  
passing through global variables between different script files makes it  
very hard to read the code, but I have to evaluate what would take the  
least time which I haven't done yet ;)
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