[Dbconfig-common-devel] A few questions about dbconfig-common

sean finney seanius at debian.org
Tue Mar 24 09:36:39 UTC 2009

On Tue, Mar 24, 2009 at 03:41:58AM +0000, sindal at gmail.com wrote:
>> i believe that by default it should create a name that removes such
>> any characters deemed "special".
> 1.8.39 simply just returned an error without creating either user or  
> database. I might test a newer version if I get the time.

perhaps you could post your source package somewhere?  there's always the
possibility that there's a user error or documentation error, as well as
unintended bug...

> ah yes ofc I should be able to something along the lines of.
> packagename=package-name
> dbc_dbname=`sed $packagename -e /-/_/g`
> dbc_dbuser=`sed $packagename -e /-/_/g` #Dunno if the sanity check also  
> fails for "_" in usernames
> dbc_go $packagename $@

> As i looks right now we'll probably go away from dbconfig-common with the 
> next release, and replace it with something more robust, since too many  
> installations were left only partly configured (not directly a problem in 
> dbconfig-common but due to low-skilled admins so we need something a bit  
> more foolproof)

you should also be able to fix a broken install with dpkg-reconfigure
packagename.  of course i'd prefer if you could be more specific about
the problems you're having and see if they can be fixed, but no one
is holding you at gunpoint here.

> I would like to simply patch and mail you some improvements the variable  
> passing through global variables between different script files makes it  
> very hard to read the code, but I have to evaluate what would take the  
> least time which I haven't done yet ;)

patches would be most welcome.  it may help to take a read through the
local html file /usr/share/doc/dbconfig-common/dbconfig-common-design.html
which can give a bit more information on the design principles, so you can
drill to the specific part of the system where you think you might need to
patch something.

something else that may help you in debugging is to export dbc_debug=1 before
installing/configuring the packages, and for even more output you can slip
a "set -x" into the maintainer script that you want to debug.

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