[Dbconfig-common-devel] Read only access for all users to database

Kip Warner kip at thevertigo.com
Thu Apr 14 17:46:07 UTC 2016

Hey list,

I am using dbconfig-common with my package. I've sourced config.pgsql
and execute the dbc_go my_package $@ hook after initializing
dbc_dbname, dbc_dbuser, dbc_authmethod_user, and
 dbc_pgsql_createdb_encoding for a PostgreSQL application in the
.config maintainer script.

Although the default parameters appear to give administrator privledges
to the dbc_dbuser (role), I would like to also ensure that the database
specified with dbc_dbname is readable to all other system users.

What is the best way of going about doing this?

Yours truly,

Kip Warner -- Senior Software Engineer
OpenPGP encrypted/signed mail preferred

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