[Dbconfig-common-devel] Disable database management

Paul Gevers elbrus at debian.org
Sun May 8 18:22:21 UTC 2016

Hi Daniel,

On 03-05-16 13:07, Daniel Dehennin wrote:
> It looks like I need to check db_no_thanks too, like
> #+begin_src sh
> if ! dbc_no_thanks || \
>     [ "$dbc_install" = "true" ] \
>     && [ "${_dbc_on_error_option}" != "ignore" ]
> then
>     ...
> fi
> #+end_src

Can you explain in which situation this is needed (i.e. in which
situation is dbc_install set to true while dbc_no_thanks returns 0 as
well)? I already disliked it to check two dbc variables, but three dbc
items is really too much.

> Is it possible to have something added to the documentation about it?

Can you please file a wishlist bug against dbconfig-common about this to
remind me? But, yeah, I did think about that when I (partially now it
seems) fixed cacti.


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