Debtags and Debram (Was: Re: New debtags suite just uploaded)
Enrico Zini
Fri, 2 Jul 2004 00:32:44 +0200
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On Thu, Jul 01, 2004 at 03:56:29PM +0000, Thaddeus H. Black wrote:
> common effort. (Also, in the long course of
> tagging the packages one by one, several useful,
> non-obvious implementation ideas have occurred
> to me, some of which are admittedly unrealizable
> within the existing debram system---but just
> throwing these ideas out on the list is not a
> very useful activity, is it? One who has ideas
> should be prepared to write the code to
> implement them, yet right now I am busy just
> tagging packages. Besides, Enrico and Erich are
> better coders than I am anyway.)
> I would help if I could. The debtags are a very
> important project which demands completion.
> What would you suggest that I do?
First think, if you have an alioth account I'd be happy to add you to
the project, just in case :)
The for sure sharing your implementation ideas may be useful even
without providing patches: please do!
I'm having a hard time understanding the structure of your
categorization: I see you're using some important background in library
science that I'm not knowledgeable of, and I'm even having trouble
understanding the logic in which your hierarchy is structured.
This means that we've probably got two different mental models of
the categorization task, and a discussion among us could lead both to
mutual understanding and to lots of creative ideas, as it happens when
two different concepts clash together.
So, I'd also be interested in discussing library science a bit: I know
very little of it, having only read that little bit of Ranganathan that
is behind the faceted classification in debtags.
And also, how do you build the hierarchy? How do you decide that, for
eaxmple, Audio is under "User oriented packages" but Graphics is under
X/X Applications/ ?
I'm hoping that, while understanding more of each other, merging ideas
will come spontaneously.
If by chance you live around UK we could even think of meeting: I'll be
in York from next week until the 25th!
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