Debtags and Debram (Was: Re: New debtags suite just uploaded)

Benjamin Mesing
Sun, 04 Jul 2004 20:58:41 +0200


as a person having no deep insight in the art of categorizing, there are
some things I do not understand, so I ask if you could widen my horizon

> I've been browsing through debram.txt, and I saw that these terminal
> groups really made sense.  A first idea I have for a merge is this:
I assume with terminal groups you mean the categories in the debram
system (i.e.
        1000 User-oriented Packages
                1100   General Commands
                        1110     File Commands

>  1) Given the list of all your terminal groups, see if they are all
>     representable using intersections between different debtags facets.
>     If not, then refine the facet structure to be able to represent your
>     categories.
Hmm... what exactly to you mean by this? 

>  2) After upgrading the facet structure, make a single tag for any of
>     your terminal groups,
Creating a tag for each terminal group seems to make sense to me. 

>     then load up the collection in tagcolledit and
>     try to attach to the groups the proper faceted tags
Here again I am confused, it seems like you start to use synonyms. What
exactly are the "groups" and the "faceted tags" here? 

I think it would also be useful if one could find some direct mappings
of some of the terminal groups to allready existing tags (e.g. 1714 TeX
to tech::tex) as this would reduce the number of terminal groups to be

Greetings Ben