Debtags Library

Benjamin Mesing
Sun, 04 Jul 2004 22:01:40 +0200


> Thanks for the very positive feedback!!
Good work deserves appreciation :-)

There is one idea which came up to me today when I read "Design
Patterns" (Gamma et al). Perhaps you could use the facade pattern for
the simplest form of using the debtags system. The facade class could
provide access to the vocabulary and a simple form of searching (perhaps
using a search pattern as expected by the ExpressionFilter).

> I can't understand the problem with the UnfacetedRemover: what it does
> seems to be exactly what you want: removing tags with no facet
> informations... or maybe I didn't understand what you're tring to do :(
Consider a package taged the following way:
	package: gimp 
	tag: media::rasterimage, ...
After resolving the implication the package will have the following
	media, media:rasterimage, ...
After the UnfacetedRemover the media tag will be gone again, but my
application relies on the fact, that the package is also tagged with the
facets used (i.e. media). This allows me to treat tags and facets
uniformly which is something I would really like to keep up.

Besides there are still tags flying around which do not belong to a
namespace and a lot of packages which are tagged with a facet only (i.e.
without any of the tags in this facet).

Greetings Ben