Debtags Library
Enrico Zini
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 10:00:24 +0100
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On Sun, Jul 04, 2004 at 10:01:40PM +0200, Benjamin Mesing wrote:
> There is one idea which came up to me today when I read "Design
> Patterns" (Gamma et al). Perhaps you could use the facade pattern for
> the simplest form of using the debtags system. The facade class could
> provide access to the vocabulary and a simple form of searching (perhaps
> using a search pattern as expected by the ExpressionFilter).
If I understand correctly, you are talking of something similar to the
Debtags::Packages class (Implemented in DebtagsPackages.{h,cc}). Or you
mean something different?
About the search pattern, I'm a bit wary in mandating user-related
syntaxes, as every implementing program may have his own one...
> After the UnfacetedRemover the media tag will be gone again, but my
> application relies on the fact, that the package is also tagged with the
> facets used (i.e. media). This allows me to treat tags and facets
> uniformly which is something I would really like to keep up.
I understand now.
I've added a new "facet_only" parameter to the
Debtags::Environment::init() function, defaulting to true: if you set it
to false, UnfacetedRemover is not used, and in its place I use a
FacetTagAdder class that adds a facet-only tag for every faceted tag
(for example, use::chatting becomes "use, use::chatting").
I'll commit the change as soon as I get online, and it'll be in the next
version of libdebtags.
> Besides there are still tags flying around which do not belong to a
> namespace and a lot of packages which are tagged with a facet only (i.e.
> without any of the tags in this facet).
Yes... I'd like to get rid of them, though.
As a side question: someone knows about handy ways of integrating
doxygen into an automake build system?
GPG key: 1024D/797EBFAB 2000-12-05 Enrico Zini <>
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