Debtags and Debram (Was: Re: New debtags suite just uploaded)
Benjamin Mesing
Tue, 06 Jul 2004 19:59:33 +0200
first thanks for the clarifications.
> > > 1) Given the list of all your terminal groups, see if they are all
> > > representable using intersections between different debtags facets.
> > > If not, then refine the facet structure to be able to represent your
> > > categories.
> > Hmm... what exactly to you mean by this?
> For example, take 1653 "Mailbox Handling" and see if it can be tagged
> in a way that is both satisfactory and unique among all the other debram
> groups. It may be that this isn't always possible: let's take 1653
> "Mailbox Handling", for example:
> - we could use media::mail and use::storing, but we have no applicable
> tag from the mail:: facet, which is not satisfactory
> - if for example there were a "Mail Delivery Agent" group, then both
> media::mail and use::storing could also be used for it, and so the
> tagging wouldn't be unique.
This makes sense. In my opinion it is really desirable to automate the
process as there are more than 10.000 packages.
> > I think it would also be useful if one could find some direct mappings
> > of some of the terminal groups to allready existing tags (e.g. 1714 TeX
> > to tech::tex) as this would reduce the number of terminal groups to be
> > considered.
> Yes. I think in many cases we'll find this to be quite natural, too.
With the procedure described above this is only a special case of it.
Greetings Ben