Debtags and Debram (Was: Re: New debtags suite just uploaded)
Thaddeus H. Black
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 19:07:46 +0000
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Bug reports are appreciated.
> (Note for Thaddeus: I noticed that goldedplus and multimail are
> in 1657 "Other Mail", but I'd say they're really mail user agents,=20
> fitting better in 1651 "Mail User Agents" instead)
Good point. The 1651 branch is probably misnamed, in fact. If we
rename it 1651 "General Mail User Agents", does this clear the problem,
in your view? (I mean, does it clear the problem within the limits of
the debram's primitive system?) The reason the two packages were
offloaded to 1657 was to keep 1651 free of clutter, so that more
important mail packages like nmh and mutt are easily found. Several
pairs of branches are split more or less this way: for example, 1713
"TeX Foundation" and 1714 "TeX".
If you feel that this is not the most logical general way of handling
the matter, I agree with you; but the problem is probably unfixable
under the old debram system. This is why we want debtags instead.
(Background for other list readers: goldedplus is a mail user agent for
Fidonet users; multimail is for Blue Wave / SOUP mail, whatever that
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