Debtags Library

Enrico Zini
Sat, 10 Jul 2004 14:59:36 +0100

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On Wed, Jul 07, 2004 at 01:30:53PM +0200, Benjamin Mesing wrote:

> > I've added a new "facet_only" parameter to the
> > Debtags::Environment::init() function, defaulting to true: if you set it
> > to false, UnfacetedRemover is not used,=20
> Thanks, than I will finally be able to get rid of the last low level debt=
> stuff in my application :-)


But to make things more interesting, I'm also switching from
representing tags as strings to representing them as Debtags::Tag
classes, from which it's possible to query name, short description, long
description and whatever is on the vocabulary.

The class Debtags::Tag (and Debtags::Facet) that I'm working on now are
reference counted and all the nice things, but they require some (easy)
refactoring of applications based on libdebtags.

That's the interface I would like to go with in the future.

> > and in its place I use a
> > FacetTagAdder class that adds a facet-only tag for every faceted tag
> > (for example, use::chatting becomes "use, use::chatting").
> At the current state this should not be neccessary as it is done by the
> implication system (every tag implies it facet). But perhaps you want to
> dismiss the implications in future.

Yes: that's my idea.  Implications are now only useful for this feature,
so I prefer to implement that in a specific way.  I don't intend to
remove the Implications code from libtagcoll, though, as I think it can
be neat and useful for other applications.



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