Debtags Library
Benjamin Mesing
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 17:41:57 +0200
I've realized that a version of the debtags library is available for
debian unstable. After downloading I've played around a little. I have
noticed that some of the things I wished were allready available which
made me happy :-)
Here are some things I wanted to mention:
* As the DebtagsEnvironment::outputSystem() uses the
UnfacetedRemover I can't use it because I rely on the packages
to be tagged with the facets. Besides there are still a lot of
packages tagged simply with a facet. Might it be possible to add
an argument or another function to allow the same functionality
without using the UnfacetedRemover? I really would like to use
this function as it would remove the burden of offering my own
readCollection() functions.
* I really like the getState() function in PackageDB it frees me
of looking where to get this information!