Debtags Library
Benjamin Mesing
Wed, 09 Jun 2004 18:41:39 +0200
Sorry for the double post, I accidently pressed Crtl+Enter
I've realized that a version of the debtags library is available for
debian unstable. After downloading I've played around a little. I have
noticed that some of the things I wished were allready available which
made me happy :-)
Here are two things I wanted to mention:
* As the DebtagsEnvironment::outputSystem() uses the
UnfacetedRemover I can't use it because I rely on the packages
to be tagged with the facets. Besides there are still a lot of
packages tagged simply with a facet. Might it be possible to add
an argument or another function to allow the same functionality
without using the UnfacetedRemover? I really would like to use
this function as it would remove the burden of offering my own
readCollection() functions.
* I really like the getState() function in PackageDB it frees me
of looking where to get this information! Perhaps the return
could be casted to an enum which descripes what each state means
(i.e. enum State { INSTALLED, NOT_INSTALLED,
Great work you have done so far. It is nice to see an easy interface
building up.
Btw. is there any way to do an anonymous checkout of the libdebtags? I d
not know subversion at all.
Greetings Ben