[Debburn-devel] Crypto support in cdrkit

Eduard Bloch edi at gmx.de
Fri Feb 9 11:33:13 CET 2007

#include <hallo.h>
* Reinhard Tartler [Fri, Feb 09 2007, 09:35:17AM]:
> On [1] a patch was developed against cdrtools to support on-the-fly
> encryption of CDs. Since cdrkit is a fork of cdrtools, I wanted to ask
> if someone did already start to 'port' that patch to cdrkit.
> How do the cdrkit maintainers think about this patch? Do you think this
> feature should be included into wodim?
> [1] http://burbon04.gmxhome.de/linux/CDREncryption.html

Originaly, I disagreed adding it because of not seeing any good point
therein. It only adds additional complexity to wodim, but for which
purpose? What exactly can you do with it that you cannot do with a
wrapper script around genisoimage which uses aespipe &Co.?


Naja, Garbage Collector eben. Holt den Müll sogar vom Himmel.
       (Heise Trollforum über Java in der Flugzeugsteuerung)

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