[Debburn-devel] Re: Problem recording with new system

Eduard Martinescu martines at rochester.rr.com
Wed Feb 28 00:12:31 CET 2007

Ok, so results of trying dev=1,0,0

TOC Type: 1 = CD-ROM
scsidev: '1,0,0'
scsibus: 1 target: 0 lun: 0
Linux sg driver version: 3.5.34
Wodim version: 1.1.2
SCSI buffer size: 64512
atapi: 1
Device type    : Removable CD-ROM
Version        : 5
Response Format: 2
Capabilities   :
Vendor_info    : 'HL-DT-ST'
Identification : 'DVD-RAM GSA-H30N'
Revision       : '1.04'
Device seems to be: Generic mmc2 DVD-R/DVD-RW.
Current: 0x0009 (CD-R)
Profile: 0x0012 (DVD-RAM)
Profile: 0x002B (DVD+R/DL)
Profile: 0x001B (DVD+R)
Profile: 0x001A (DVD+RW)
Profile: 0x0016 (DVD-R/DL layer jump recording)
Profile: 0x0015 (DVD-R/DL sequential recording)
Profile: 0x0014 (DVD-RW sequential recording)
Profile: 0x0013 (DVD-RW restricted overwrite)
Profile: 0x0011 (DVD-R sequential recording)
Profile: 0x0010 (DVD-ROM)
Profile: 0x000A (CD-RW)
Profile: 0x0009 (CD-R) (current)
Profile: 0x0008 (CD-ROM)
Profile: 0x0002 (Removable disk)
Using generic SCSI-3/mmc   CD-R/CD-RW driver (mmc_cdr).
Supported modes:
Drive buf size : 1114112 = 1088 KB
Beginning DMA speed test. Set CDR_NODMATEST environment variable if device
communication breaks or freezes immediately after that.
Drive DMA Speed: 88372 kB/s 502x CD 63x DVD

So I tried dev=/dev/sg1 and output was identical.

cat of /proc/sys/dev/cdrom/info shows

CD-ROM information, Id: cdrom.c 3.20 2003/12/17

drive name:             sr0
drive speed:            40
drive # of slots:       1
Can close tray:         1
Can open tray:          1
Can lock tray:          1
Can change speed:       1
Can select disk:        0
Can read multisession:  1
Can read MCN:           1
Reports media changed:  1
Can play audio:         1
Can write CD-R:         1
Can write CD-RW:        1
Can read DVD:           1
Can write DVD-R:        1
Can write DVD-RAM:      1
Can read MRW:           1
Can write MRW:          1
Can write RAM:          1

Just one additional note.  When this machine arrived, it was pre-loaded
with Windows XP. I used the preload of Windows (with Nero I think) to
burn the install CD for gentoo so I know that the drive itself
physically works, and supports burning :)

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