[Debburn-devel] libburn/libburnia (round 2)

Simon Huggins huggie at earth.li
Fri Jun 29 11:52:48 UTC 2007

Libburn in Debian is currently old and unmaintained.

I understand from some real life conversations post-debconf that there
are some people around here who might be interested in maintaining it

I'm only really interested in it as xfburn (an xfce add-on) depends on
it but it'd be good for our users if we could sort out the situation
with it in Debian.

Ubuntu generate cdrskin from the libburn sources and that's what I've
proposed before to George Danchev and Eduard Bloch.  George said he was
willing to maintain it with some help and sponsorship.  There is
libisofs that would need to be uploaded too.

Sean Harshburger seems to be MIA as far as I can tell given the lack of
response on recent bugs.

Is there any interest in doing this with the debburn project?
Steve McIntyre mentioned there might be.

Let me know in any case otherwise I'll consider setting up a separate
alioth project for libburn/cdrskin/libisofs with George any other
interested parties.

----------(      - I've set my laser from stun to kill       )----------
----------(   - Ah, great, great.  If anyone attacks us we   )----------
Simon ----(       can blink them to death -- Toy Story       )---- Nomis
                             Htag.pl 0.0.22
-------------- next part --------------
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